Fluid Power Journal


Getting Started

At Fluid Power Journal, we are committed to delivering innovative, engaging, and expert-level content that resonates with our readers. Our editorial guidelines ensure consistency and integrity across all feature and departmental articles. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these standards and submission requirements. By adhering to the below guidelines, we garner the trust of our audience and uphold the subject matter expertise that Fluid Power Journal is best known for.

Writer Submissions Basics

Please prepare a written proposal of 250 – 300 words as a preliminary query. The proposal should convince us that we should cover the subject and offer us an opportunity to judge your writing ability. Background information and writing credentials are helpful. Submitting an article is completely free for you, as our main goal is to provide those in the Fluid Power community with exciting and innovative content.

All unsolicited proposals are sent to us on speculation. You may send your submission via electronic mail to lschmeal@fluidpowerjournal.com.

If you have supporting material or clips of previously published work, you may prefer to send your proposal through the United States Postal Service, addressed to:

Editorial Staff
Fluid Power Journal
3245 Freemansburg Ave.
Palmer, PA 18045

Our Guidelines

For questions about our Editorial Guidelines, download the full list of Contributor Guidelines.

To learn more about our monthly editorial focuses and to confirm our deadlines for all issues, download our most recent media kit.

We have specific monthly focuses, but we are always interested in application story or case study articles with a hydraulics or pneumatics focus. You should receive a response within a week for email submissions and eight weeks for anything sent via USPS. Contact lschmeal@fluidpowerjournal.com with any questions.



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