The NFPA Financial Benchmark Survey, also known as the PROFIT Report, and conducted with the help of the Profit Planning Group, is an annual survey that helps distributors benchmark financial performance on indicators that relate directly to profitability. Participation is required to receive the results, which include:
The NFPA Financial Benchmark Report: A financial and operating profile of all participating members using metrics in sales, gross margin, expenses, inventory, assets, employee productivity, and operations to identify what really influences profitability.
Performance Analysis Report: A confidential report sent directly to you comparing your firm with your peers. The report ranks you in every important metric and helps participants identify how they can improve their profits.
Profit Dashboard: An interactive tool to help you plan financial improvements and compare your company to others.
Confidentiality Information: All survey data goes directly to the Profit Planning Group for aggregation, reporting, analysis and assurance of confidentiality. Reports present only aggregated results. Masking procedures are used so no individual firm data can be identified, and survey forms are destroyed after processing. NFPA will never see your data.