Fluid Power Journal


Milestone Membership Anniversaries for Five NFPA Member Companies

30 Each year, NFPA acknowledges fluid power industry companies that have reached a significant membership milestone. This year is no different in the fact that …

New Education Partner Locator Connects Members with Schools

Ensuring that schools are teaching students the right skills to be successful in the industry is an important part of filling workforce needs. The new …

Robotics Challenge Scholarship Winner Hired as Intern at HUSCO

Spencer Tiegs, the 2017 NFPA Robotics Challenge Scholarship winner, interviewed with and was hired as a summer intern by NFPA member, HUSCO International. …

Contamination Control Standards Group Moves Forward on Filter Standards

The U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on contamination control met this past week in Ann Arbor, Michigan to continue its work on several filter-related ISO …

Teams Gearing Up for 2017-18 Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge

Milwaukee, WI – February 28, 2018 — The NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge is heating up! Right now, teams are building, testing, and adjusting their …

What Will NFPA Members Do with Their Tax Cut?

By Eric Lanke, NFPA President/CEO Last week, I went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the Council of Manufacturing Associations’ (CMA) leadership conference, …

Request a Custom Presentation for the Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry

The recently published report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry outlines the size and economic impact of the fluid power industry. It provides energy and …

Is Your Company Starting the Year Off Right?

Use the Best Data and Tools for Your Business Decision Making with NFPA Market Information Resources on nfpahub.com/stats Analyze the latest industry trends, …

Classroom Activities are Made Possible Through Grant Program

Member volunteer hours and donations help keep NFPA’s various workforce development programs growing and effective. One program that helps schools teach …

Robotics Challenge Scholarship Deadline Approaching

The 2018 FIRST® Robotics Competition officially kicked off back in January. Teams have been hard at work designing and building their machines, finding …

New! NFPA Financial Benchmark Survey Available for Distributor Members

The NFPA Financial Benchmark Survey, also known as the PROFIT Report, and conducted with the help of the Profit Planning Group, is an annual survey that helps …

FAMTEN = Bringing New Talent to NFPA Members

By Eric Lanke, NFPA President/CEO Coming in 2018, FAMTEN is the Fluid Power and Applied Mechatronics Training and Employment Network, and its focus will be on …

NFPA Members Inspire the Next Generation

Throughout the month of October, NFPA members opened their doors to expand knowledge about and improve general public perception of careers in the industry. …

Registration Open for 2018 NFPA Annual Conference

Join us in Orlando for the NFPA 2018 Annual Conference. Scheduled for February 20-22 at the Four Seasons Resort–Orlando at Disney World, this is an event you …

ISO Standards Development Continues in Switzerland

The Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) in Winterthur, Switzerland was the host of the fall TC 131 fluid power systems ISO standards development …


By Eric Lanke, NFPA President/CEO Three major government funding initiatives for fluid power research have so far come out of the fluid power industry’s …

NFPA Curriculum Grant Awarded to Western Michigan University

By Eric Lanke, NFPA President/CEO The NFPA Education and Technology Foundation awards grants of up to $25,000 to 4-year universities to develop, replicate, or …

NFPA Publishes Third Annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry

The third annual Report on the U.S. Fluid Power Industry is finished and available for download on the NFPA website. As in previous reports, this new document …

NFPA Publishes 2017 Update to Technology Roadmap

By Eric Lanke, NFPA President/CEO A new publication, the 2017 NFPA Technology Roadmap: Improving the Design and Function of Fluid Power Components and Systems, …

Students Show Off Projects in Fluid Power Lab

The end of the semester brought the completion of various student projects at Triton College in River Grove, Illinois. Triton won a Fluid Power Laboratory …