Fluid Power Journal

NFPA Members Start School Year Strong with Fluid Power Challenge Events

NFPA Fluid Power Challenge veterans started the school year out with a bang! The Challenge is a competition where middle school students solve an engineering …

The NFPA Fluid Power Challenge Makes Some Very Successful “Firsts”

Firsts: the first time you rode your bike without training wheels, the first time you spoke in front of a large audience, or your first year away from home at …

NFPA Reaches Wide Audience at IMTS

NFPA participated in the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago, Ill, on September 8-13, 2014. The IFPE Fluid Power Zone pavilion was …

NFPA Success Highlights: Education Roadmap

By Eric Lanke, CEO, NFPA What did we want to achieve? The specific objective from our strategic plan reads: “Define a regional strategy for the development …

NFPA Fluid Power Challenge Student Competition Secures the Workforce of Tomorrow

Teamwork. Preparation. Safety. These are just a few of the lessons that students from 25 middle schools in western Pennsylvania took away from their experience …



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