Fluid Power Journal

Air Teaser

By Ernie Parker



Troubleshooting Tales: The Mystery of a Faulty Amusement Park Ride

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE. Recently a new ride was installed in an amusement park and it didn’t work on …

Calculate the Pressure on the Pneumatic Cylinder of a Forklift

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE. You have a pneumatic forklift with a 2:1 mechanical disadvantage on the …

Calculate the Lifting Force of a Backhoe

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE. The diagram below represents a kid’s backhoe for a sand pile. I have …

Calculate the minimum gas pressure inside the gas shocks when full extended and full retracted

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE Given: Hatch door on a car may weigh 889.6 N (200 lb.) uniformly loaded. 2 …

Changing a Component Below the Oil Level of a Reservoir

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE.   How do you change out a component or filter that is below oil level without …

Air Teaser: How Fast Can a Pig Travel?

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE. A gas pipeline was updated in my home area. The work included installing a …

Air Teaser: Calculate a Spud Gun’s Velocity

By Erine Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE. Many people enjoy using a safe spud gun. Shooting a potato at 100 psi can be …

Air Teaser: Find the Cylinder Rod

By Ernie Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE. What is the maximum theotretical efficiency for extension and retraction? How …

Comparing the Energy of Natural Gas and Gasoline

By Erine Parker, CFPAI, CFPSD, CFPS, CFPMM, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPE When you see a vehicle driven on natural gas, do you ever wonder how far it can …

Calculate Diameters of Load-Holding Cylinders

Calculate the required diameter and standard diameter needed for the cylinders to hold the load shown