Why did you decide to take the IFPS Hydraulic Specialist Certification test? I knew about the IFPS certification program for several years and wanted to become certified. One main reason that I wanted to be certified was that my example, as the instructor of the fluid power courses at Iowa State, would be an encouragement […]
How did your career with the NFPA start? I started at NFPA in July 1984 and worked for about a year and a half writing for and editing the NFPA Reporter and other NFPA publications. Part of my job was translating French ISO documents into English for NFPA’s technical department; this was my first experience […]
When and where did your career in fluid power begin? My career started when I was 8-9 years old repairing equipment on our family farm. It led to heavily participating in the Agricultural Mechanics contests in FFA (Future Farmers of America) in high school, then a degree in Fluid Power from Ohio State ATI in […]
When and where did your career in the fluid power industry start? My career started 25 years ago, when I taught fluid power in the Military Technical College in my homeland, Egypt. What is the most memorable moment in your fluid power career, and what did it teach you? One of the most memorable moments […]