Fluid Power Journal

Profile: Medhat Khalil


Profile Data: Medhat Khalil, Ph.D., CFPHS, CFPAI, is director of Professional Education and Research Development at the Applied Technology Center, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, Wis. He has a vast working experience in the field of mechanical engineering and more specifically hydraulics, having developed and taught fluid power system training courses for industry professionals. Dr. Khalil is a member of the IFPS 2014 Board of Directors. Dr. Medhat Khalil can be reached at khalil@msoe.edu.

When and where did your career in the fluid power industry start?

My career started 25 years ago, when I taught fluid power in the Military Technical College in my homeland, Egypt.

What is the most memorable moment in your fluid power career, and what did it teach you?

One of the most memorable moments was getting my Ph.D. and realizing that I had just taken the first step in a long journey of a successful career in the fluid power industry. This moment taught me that education is a life-long quest with unlimited potential.

What do you feel is the most important achievement in the fluid power industry?

Ever since its inception in the first half of the 20th century, the fluid power industry continues to impact all aspects of daily life. In this fast-paced world of technological advancements, fluid power remains all the more relevant.

How and why did you get involved in the IFPS?

Initially I got involved in IFPS to network with other fluid power scholars and to further fluid power education. I was then nominated by a friend to be on the Board of Directors.

Why do you feel the IFPS is important?

IFPS standardizes fluid power certification nationwide. No other organization serves this function.

Where do you see the fluid power industry heading in the next 10 years?

In the next 10 years, the fluid power industry will replace conventional hydro-mechanical solutions with electro-hydraulic solutions, which are smarter, more compact, and energy efficient.

What are some of your favorite hobbies or interests?

I enjoy watching historical movies and developing software.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I carry three nationalities and have adapted myself to several cultures: Arabic in Egypt, French in Canada, and English in the U.S.

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