Buy a 2016 FPEF lottery calendar for $20.00, and you’ll get 52 chances to win $50 and 12 chances to win $100, supporting the Educational Foundation at the same time! One lucky number will be drawn each week, and the winner will receive a $50 check. Each month, an additional lucky number will be drawn for a $100 winning. This is an FPEF fundraising initiative; proceeds go towards FPEF scholarships. To purchase your calendar(s), visit, or call 856-424-8998, Ext. 114.
Help keep our industry supplied with young professionals as they continue their education.
Promote your company and help support FPEF’s website costs by becoming a website underwriter. Cost: $500 for your company logo and link on the FPEF website. Your company logo will be present all year! E-mail Adele Kayser at for details.
Purchase a one-year membership for a student ($35), or a professional membership ($75) for a co-worker, or any individual interested in joining the IFPS community of industry professionals. IFPS membership offers discounts, professional development, networking opportunities, and a subscription to the Fluid Power Journal. Call 800-308-6005.