Fluid Power Journal

FPEF Fundraising Initiative that GIVES Money

FPEF raised over $2,500 (more than enough for a full scholarship) with its 2016 Calendar Lottery. One fluid power student will receive a scholarship in April, …

Profile: Rocky Phoenix, CFPMHM, CFPMHT

How did you get started in the fluid power industry? I moved to Northern Nevada to be in a rural setting after living in Seattle, Wash., for 35 years. A chance …

Exhibiting Space Filling Fast!

Hosted by NFPA within the Motion, Drive & Automation North America (MDA NA) and Industrial Automation North America (IANA) shows, the IFPE Fluid Power Zone …

Begin at the End

I was recently at a conference addressing the issue of efficiency in fluid power systems, specifically in hydraulics.  The conference was focused on existing …

How to Make a Positive Impact in 2016

Now that the holiday rush has ended, we settle into the New Year and brace ourselves for the onslaught of winter. It is now, when the hustle and bustle is …

Quads and the Fluid Power Systems Conference

When I first heard the word “quadrillion,” I thought it was a fictitious number like “gazillion” or “bazillion,” but it turns out to be a real …

So, You Say You Want to Make a Difference

One of the most rewarding things that ever happened to me in the field of fluid power was when a high school student spoke to me after a two-hour pneumatic …

Underwrite a Scholarship

You can help keep the fluid power industry supplied with young professionals by becoming a scholarship underwriter. The Foundation’s trustees receive and …

Donation Dollars at work

Thanks to the generous donations, the following scholarships, along with 17 others, were awarded to high-caliber students who are pursuing fluid power careers. …

<i>FIRST</i> Announces Scholarship Program Milestone

$25 Million Available to High School Students; Nearly 200 Providers Offer College Scholarship Opportunities to FIRST Alumni FIRST® announced a milestone in …



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