Fluid Power Journal

Attention Engineer and System Designer Applicants

Fluid Power Engineer Certification

Certified professional engineers (PE) or degree equivalent (BS from ABET recognized university) may apply for this certification. Additional requirements must be met.


1. IFPS Specialist Certification*

  • Hydraulic Specialist Certification, AND/OR
  • Pneumatic Specialist Certification, AND/OR
  • Electronic Controls Certification

Effective January 1, 2018, all three Specialist certifications will be required.

2. Connector & Conductor written test
3. Five (5) signed professional references
4. Certified Professional Engineer (PE) or degree equivalent (BS from ABET recognized university)
5. Agree to abide by the IFPS Code of Ethics.
6. Eight (8) years work experience in the fluid power and motion control industry
7. Complete the Engineer application ($280 Member / $435 Non-Member)

Fluid Power System Designer Certification

If an individual meets the requirement below they may apply for this expanded credential focusing on advanced, system level hydraulic, pneumatic and electronic controls expertise along with verifiable industry experience.


1. IFPS Specialist Certification*

  • Hydraulic Specialist (CFPHS) Certification, AND/OR
  • Pneumatic Specialist (CFPPS) Certification, AND/OR
  • Electronic Controls Certification (CFPECS)

Effective January 1, 2018, all three Specialist certifications will be required.

2. Connector & Conductor written test
3. Five (5) signed professional references
4. Verifiable Fluid Power design experience.
5. Agree to abide by the IFPS Code of Ethics
6. Six (6) years minimum system design OR any of the following:

  • Hold an Associate Fluid Power degree + four (4) years system design experience
  • Hold a BS degree (Engineering or Engineering Technology) + four (4) years system design experience
  • Hold a CFPAI (Certified Fluid Power Accredited Instructor) certification + four (4) years system design training experience

7. Complete the System Designer application ($280 Member / $435 Non-Member)

Q: If I already hold an IFPS Engineer/System Designer certification, will I have to take an additional certification test when it is time to recertify?

A: No, you will not need to take an additional certification test. Your certification will be grandfathered in.

If you apply before December 31, 2017 – *You must hold two (2) of the three (3) Specialist certifications. If your Specialist Certification was obtained before HS and PS became separate entities (1998), the current Specialist Certification fulfills the HS requirement only; the PS or the ECS test must be taken and passed as well before applying for Engineer Certification.

If you apply after December 31, 2017 – All three Specialist (HS, PS and ECS) certifications will be required.

To apply visit ifps.org or call 800-308-6005.

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