Fluid Power Journal

NFPA-Funded Research Project Underway to Develop Contaminant Sensor at Iowa State

Students at Iowa State University are working on a research project, Dielectric Spectroscopic Sensor Development for Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Detection, …

The NFPA Fluid Power Challenge Makes Some Very Successful “Firsts”

Firsts: the first time you rode your bike without training wheels, the first time you spoke in front of a large audience, or your first year away from home at …

IFPS Certification is a Bright Idea

Have you ever wondered what happens when you flip on a light switch? Fluid power might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but electricity suppliers and …

My Life! My Plan! Gives High School Students a Head Start

On December 11, 2014, Milwaukee Public School held a My Life! My Plan! Workshop at Bradley Tech High School that focused on STEM careers—concentrating on …

SOFP Industry Opinion: Little Change in Industry Opinions

Not much change was seen in industry opinions with NFPA’s recent release of the October 2014 State of the Fluid Power Industry Survey (SOFP), an electronic …

NFPA Identifies Strategy Agenda to Address the Needs of the Fluid Power Industry

The NFPA is working on a strategy agenda, which includes the following three strategic priorities: Inclusiveness: Serving as a forum where all fluid power …

2014 CFPA Annual Meeting Underscores Fluid Power’s Workforce Challenges

The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Fluid Power Association (CFPA) was held in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. It had been several years since I attended the …

Teaching Grants Engage Students in Fluid Power

The NFPA Education and Technology Foundation awarded six teaching grants that will begin in January 2015. The objective of the grants is to engage students in …

Problem: Vacuum Regulators

I maintain a mobile medical unit (hospital), which is a large semi-truck that opens up to over 1,000 square feet for emergency medical usage. Along with all …

Choosing a Shop Air Compressor: Reciprocating or Screw Type?

That pounding feeling in your brain may not be a migraine headache; it could be the piston-style reciprocating compressor pounding away in the corner of your …