Fluid Power Journal

Hydraulic Oil vs. Seal Lip Material

By George Barbin In a perfect world, our bodies would be able to rehydrate with either fresh or salt water, our skin would not be affected by UV rays, and …

Beware of Getting HOSED

By Jamie Vokes, CFPCC Various kinds of mobile and industrial equipment use hydraulics in one form or another. While hydraulics is a very efficient use of …

Fluid Power’s Uncertain Future

By Brendan Casey In October 1991, at a meeting of the Buffett Group, Warren Buffett’s inner circle, Bill Gates was asked what he thought of Kodak as a …

Handling Large Loads

By Daniel Pascoe Most vacuum pick-and-place applications involve the handling of small parts such as semiconductor components or food packaging items, which …

What’s Your Standby Efficiency?

By Brendan Casey We are conditioned to think a variable displacement pump is more efficient than its fixed displacement counterpart. As a generalization this …

Compressed Air Systems: Are You Draining Away Your Profits

By Ron Marshall Air compressors create water, there is no way around it, the ambient air is squeezed, like wringing a sponge, and cooled, creating a constant …

Fluid Power Industry Creates ISO Standards that Impact Our World

By Denise Husenica, NFPA International Standards Development Manager, Secretary, ISO/TC 131 and Administrator, U.S. Technical Advisory Groups The International …

Developing Electrohydrostatic Actuation to Improve Ring Rolling Production

By Dr. Erkhard Siemer, General Manager for Design Hydraulics and Electrical Engineering, SMS Group GmbH, and Achim Helbig, Dr.-Ing, Innovations Projects …

Research to Watch: Control and Diagnostic of Electro-Hydraulic Machines

This column will bring you the progress of the pre-competitive research being conducted at member universities that are part of the CCEFP network. This …

IFPS 2018 Annual Meeting

The IFPS 2018 Annual Meeting recently took place in Williamsburg, VA where the 2019 Board of Directors nomination slate was approved. The 2019 Board positions …