Fluid Power Journal

2015 Salary Survey: Looking for Participants

Who The IFPS and Fluid Power Journal What They’re seeking participants to complete an online salary survey for 2015. Survey results will be published in the …

IFPS Certification is a Bright Idea

Have you ever wondered what happens when you flip on a light switch? Fluid power might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but electricity suppliers and …

Wake-Up Call

If you are reading this article, you probably already know what fluid power is, how most of us ended up in this field, and how hard it is to find your …

Increasing Awareness, Strengthening Our Industry

I would like to thank each and every member of the IFPS for making the Society what it is today. There is a bond of professional fellowship among us that I …

Fluid Power Professionals Day Photo Contest

Thank you to all our Fluid Power Professionals’ Day photo contest participants. It was a difficult voting decision with so many capturing photos, however …

Profile: John Juhasz

When and where did your career in fluid power begin? My career started when I was 8-9 years old repairing equipment on our family farm. It led to heavily …

2014 IFPS Spring Meeting Recap

Special thanks to the 35 International Fluid Power Society (IFPS) professional members who recently met in Orlando, Fla., to conduct the IFPS 2014 Spring …

Profile: Medhat Khalil

When and where did your career in the fluid power industry start? My career started 25 years ago, when I taught fluid power in the Military Technical College …

Profile: Frank Fetty

When and where did your career in the fluid power industry start? My career started in 1992 as a private in the U.S. Army working as a heavy equipment …

Fluid Power Professionals’ Day

The International Fluid Power Society (IFPS) has dedicated June 19 as “Fluid Power Professionals’ Day” – a day of recognition for all of us who …



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