FRLs (Filter, regulator, lubricator) are common in and specific to pneumatic systems. FRL, just as the acronym indicates, is a combination of 3 smaller components assembled as a larger unit, consisting of a filter, a regulator, and a lubricator (see Fig. 3.54). The main function is to condition and prepare the compressed air for use within an entire pneumatic system or a branch circuit at a specific tool location. The FRL filters particulate contaminants from the air, removes moisture, regulates the pressure, and supplies oil/lubrication to the system or tool downstream of the FRL. Pneumatic applications with properly conditioned air will operate longer, cost less, and improve system efficiency.
1 What is the purpose of an FRL?
A. Filter contaminants.
B. Regulate air pressure.
C. Lubricate the system/tool.
D. Lubricate downstream of the compressor.
E. All of the above.