2017 IFPS Spring Meeting
Special thanks to the 35+ IFPS members who recently met in Orlando, Fla., to conduct the 2017 Spring Meeting. These dedicated members steer the Board of Directors meeting, committee meetings, and strategic-planning sessions, and are instrumental in driving the IFPS forward in its mission.
In addition to board and committee meetings, attendees enjoyed an evening adventure at Medieval Times, a day tour of Kennedy Space Center, and had the opportunity to use their inner-pilot skills at ELITE Simulation Solutions with mock flight training.
IFPS added a fun, team-building event to the bi-annual dinner. You will view some crazy pictures below as teams of diners were tasked with building the tallest tower. Sound easy? Try using spaghetti and marshmallows as construction tools!
The IFPS 2017 Annual Meeting will take place September 25-29, 2017 in Indianapolis, Ind.
Click on images to enlarge.

2017 Board of Directors – back row from left – John Bibaeff, Ken Dulinski, Tim White, Rance Herren, Robert Post, Randy Bobbitt, Jeff Hodges, Scott Nagro. Front row from left – Jeff Kenney, Donna Pollander, Rocky Phoenix, Scot Sardina, Tom Blansett, Rich Bullers, Lynn Nordquist

Genie Wendel, Susan and John Bibaeff, Jeff Kenney, Scott Sardina, Lisa and Paul Prass, Marti Wendel

Lynn & Kimberly Nordquist, Darryl and Sue Powell, Liz Rehfus

Paul Prass, Marti Wendel compete to build the tallest tower

John Bibaeff, Scott Nagro, Lisa Prass tallest tower competition

Scott Sardina at flight simulator

Donna Pollander at the Kennedy Space Center

Randy Bobbitt and Ernie Parker fly a simulated helicopter

Ernie Parker, Jan and Bob Sheaf, Steven and Diane Malone, Rocky Phoenix, Rance Herren, Randy Bobbitt

Adele Kayser, MaryLynn and Terry Christopher, Ken Dulinski, Jan and Rich Bullers, Robert Post

Pat Maluso, Tim White, Jeff Hodges, Tom Blansett, Scott Sardina, Jeana Hoffman, Ed Rybarczyk, Donna Pollander

Randy Bobbitt and Ernie Parker compete to build the tallest tower

Terry Christopher and Ken Dulinski build their tower

Scott Nagro at flight simulator

Robert Post at the Kennedy Space Center

MaryLynn and Terry Christopher, Chapter 5 Representatives

Technical Workshop participants