Fluid Power Journal

Presentation Highlights FAME Training Program

An April 29 virtual event gives fluid power employers and others a chance to learn about FAME – the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education – a workforce development initiative of  the Manufacturing Institute.

The presentation will feature students, employers, and other interested parties discussing and previewing elements of FAME’s Advanced Manufacturing Technician program. The event is geared toward employers interested in potentially implementing the program at their company as a way to attract and invest in a future workforce.

FAME facilitates employer-led partnerships with local educational institutions and establishes a channel for recruiting diverse, high-achieving, and career-oriented students. Employers that participate connect with students who could someday become employees. Students gain experience within a modern manufacturing environment, as well as a simulated shop floor for classroom experience.

Because many members of the National Fluid Power Association are seeking fluid power technicians and manufacturing talent, NFPA is promoting the virtual presentation as a good way for interested employers to learn about FAME and the AMT program.

The presentation is at 1 p.m. Eastern time on April 29. To register, visit www.themanufacturinginstitute.org/events/2021-fame-live/. For more information on FAME, visit https://fame-usa.com/. NFPA members with questions can email lbeyer@nfpa.com or call (414) 345-0365.

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