By Benjamin Duyck, Director of Market Intelligence, Association of Equipment Manufacturers. The more things change for the equipment manufacturing industry and …
From the Institute for Supply Management Manufacturing growth in August registered the same as in July, according to the latest Purchasing Managers Index, a …
By Michael Degan, Fluid Power Journal Editor Is a recession approaching? There were conflicting signs in July. A falling manufacturing index from the Institute …
Companies report easing of labor troubles By Michael Degan, _Fluid Power Journal_ Editor A clogged supply chain and rising prices slowed U.S. manufacturing …
From Randstad Sourceright Despite pandemic-driven uncertainty, C-suite and human capital leaders remain optimistic about the future and growth of their …
Over the next decade, it is estimated that nearly 3.5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs will be needed, and 2 million of those jobs are expected to go unfilled …
Mel Arent, EMMEGI Heat Exchangers Inc. Mel is the general manager of EMMEGI Heat Exchangers Inc. in Phoenix, Ariz. He has over 34 years of experience …
This may seem counterintuitive to task-driven managers who focus on the news headlines and the bottom number in their ledger. Granted, the economy is shaky, …
Can a bad economy put a dent in your sales? Sara, a colleague of mine, thought so as she watched her sales decline during the last six months. Like most of us, …
John Treharn, Vice President Business Development – Hydraulics Group, Parker Hannifin Corp. John works with the company’s divisions to advance long-term …