Fluid Power Journal

Energy Efficient Hydraulics and Pneumatics Conference Grows in Second Year

Organized by the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA), the Fluid Power Distributors Association (FPDA), and the International Fluid Power Society (IFPS), the Energy Efficient Hydraulics and Pneumatics Conference (EEHPC) is a unique event where fluid power component manufacturers, fluid power distributors, machine builders, end-users, and fluid power educators come together to discuss the state-of-the-art and explore the future potential of energy-efficient fluid power systems. The second annual EEHPC was held November 27-29, 2012, and drew 121 professionals, a 17% increase in attendance over its inaugural event the year before.

The conference provided attendees with many opportunities for education and networking, including

  • workshops designed to communicate the current best practices for maximizing energy efficiency and balancing cost issues for hydraulic and pneumatic systems
  • breakthrough presentations from fluid power component manufacturers, distributors, and system integrators, showcasing innovative approaches and emerging technologies in energy-efficient fluid power design and maintenance
  • facilitated roundtable discussions, where peers shared specific challenges associated with their industry and applications, and received expert advice from the facilitators

The conference also explored the future of energy-efficient fluid power with presentations from Dr. Lonnie Love of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and author of the DOE-funded industry study of total energy consumption of all fluid power systems in the United States. Representing somewhere between 2% and 3% of our nation’s energy usage, Dr. Love helped conference attendees understand the huge potential impact that energy-efficient improvements in fluid power system design and maintenance can have in terms of money saved and reduced emissions. Dr. Kim Stelson of the University of Minnesota and Dr. Monika Ivantysynova of Purdue University also made presentations on several research breakthroughs at the Center of Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) that will translate into more energy-efficient products and technologies in the future.

A complete list of EEHPC presentations and handouts are available for download HERE.

Overall, the second-annual EEHPC was another great success. It served as a unique education opportunity for energy efficiency, as well as a springboard for further cooperation among industry associations and related stakeholders.

by Eric Lanke, CAE, CEO, National Fluid Power Association

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