Fluid Power Journal


Hydraulic Circuits for Basic Applications

Fail-safe design strategy must be applied in designing a hydraulic system. This design strategy considers many safety issues that secure the operative and …

Compressed Air Efficiency: 5 Uses of Storage

Compressed air storage is an important part of any compressed air system. Air receivers help ensure better air quality, can lower your air compressor power …

Basic Vacuum Pump Choice

The consideration of which vacuum pump to select is based on many factors. This article explains the fundamental differences between three very common vacuum …

How Did You Celebrate?

So many celebrations – barbecues, luncheons, pizza parties, and Fluid Power Professionals’ Day cookies! The IFPS celebrated by randomly selecting three …

2016 Manufacturing Q&A

Jess Penny is general manager of sales for Penny Hydraulics, Ltd., a lifting-equipment manufacturer in the United Kingdom. Her role is to develop and implement …

2016 Manufacturers Directory Listing and Matrix

Download our 2016 Directory Listing and Product Matrix below. Click on the images for a PDF

Upgraded Electronic Controls Specialist Certification Elevates Fluid Power Competency

By Donna Pollander, ACA, IFPS Executive Director The IFPS strives to keep pace with changing fluid power and motion control technologies, and the development …

Q&A: Richard Beesley, Commercial Director of Trelleborg’s Offshore Operation in Brazil

How would you describe the fluid power market in Brazil? We are focused in the offshore area, working with umbilical, subsea equipment OEMs, drilling package …

How Do You Know When You’re Ready for Electro-Hydraulic Implementation?

The integration of electronics and hydraulics has grown dramatically in recent years, but not everyone has jumped on the bandwagon. For those considering …

Record Demand at Bauma 2016

The seven-day show at Bauma 2016 attracted around 580,000 visitors from 200 countries—an increase of more than 9%—to Munich between April 11 and 17. After …

Pneumatics and Machine Design

This article is a bullet-point summary of pneumatics and basic machine design considerations when using pneumatic technology. It is not intended as a …

2016 Skills Competition

Hosted by Alexandria Technical and Community College 2016 Student of the Year Awards At the skills competition, the instructors chose one student from each …

Measuring Marine Tank Fluid Levels with Pneumatics

Marine vessels need to reliably and accurately measure fluid levels within tanks aboard their ships for a variety of reasons. These tanks come in multiple …

2016 Offshore Technology Conference Attendance Ranks in Top 15

Offshore energy industry experts and leaders gathered from across the world at NRG Park in Houston, Tex., from May 2-5 for the 2016 Offshore Technology …

Oil And Water Just Don’t Mix!

Essential Tips to Keep Your Fluid Power System in Excellent Shape in a Marine Environment Conducting proper inspections and maintenance on the fluid power …

Machine Design Considerations When Transitioning to Tier IV Diesel Engines

Many of our OEMs are going through the process of changing to Tier IV diesel engines and controls. In smaller horsepower designs, this may be the first time …

2016 Fluid Power Professionals’ Day Photo Contest

The Fluid Power Professionals’ Day Photo Contest was created to commemorate the wonder of fluid power and the talented professionals who work in this …

Vacuum Lifting Fundamentals

There is often much confusion with regards to the units used to measure the vacuum level being generated in an application. This article explains which ones …

2016 IFPS Spring Meeting

Special thanks to the 35 IFPS members who recently met in San Diego, California, to conduct the IFPS 2016 spring meeting. These dedicated members steer the …

Managing Software Updates

An interview of Yolanda Petre, Software Engineering Manager at Eaton Can you describe your group and its role in software development? We have a team of …

Cylinder Sensing Without Rod Drilling

Rota Hall-effect linear sensors in the mobile materials-handling industry offer solutions for all cylinder types. Cranes, telehandlers, forklifts, or …

Rotational Speed Sensors for Hydraulic Drive Units

If you are a manufacturer who equips hydraulic units with rotational speed measurement devices, or if you’re a user who buys such units from a supplier, the …

Hydraulic Solutions for Blueberry Production

The United States, along with the rest of the world, is trying to eat healthier. In our search for tasty food with lower calories, we have helped create a boom …

Mobile Equipment Reservoir Baffle Innovation

Hydraulic oil in mobile equipment reservoirs has disturbances caused by the motion of the equipment. Fluid disturbances are commonly called …

Offshore Technology Conference 2016

May 2-5, 2016  •  Houston, TX Founded in 1969, the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions …



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