Fluid Power Journal

Stillwater Elevates Engineering


Industry, government, and academic leaders from the greater Stillwater region in Oklahoma gathered for a National Engineering Forum (NEF) regional dialogue, marking Stillwater’s place in American engineering.

Oklahoma State University (OSU) and its president, Burns Hargis, hosted the event on OSU’s campus, with Devon Energy CEO David Hager delivering the keynote address. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, Devon Energy is a leading independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company employing hundreds of engineers in Oklahoma and nationwide.


In 2012, Lockheed Martin launched the National Engineering Forum in partnership with the Council on Competitiveness and the National Academy of Engineering, which share a common vision for transforming the way we perceive, experience, and prioritize American engineering. NEF is creating solutions for the challenges facing the U.S. engineering enterprise: capacity, capability, and competiveness—the 3C’s.


Photos courtesy OSU University Marketing

The information above was published with permission from NEF, which brings together leaders concerned about the sustainability of engineering in the United States and the impact on the nation’s security and prosperity. NEF involves industry executives, academics, policymakers, media, engineering societies, and nonprofits to develop solutions to the challenges facing the U.S. engineering enterprise. For more information, contact by phone: 202-969-3410; by email: info@nationalengineeringforum.com, or on the web: www.nationalengineeringforum.com.

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