Fluid Power Journal

What in the World Do Those Numbers in the ISO Cleanliness Code Mean?

We have been talking a lot about filtration here at the steel mill. My predecessor, Scott McLoughlin, had done a remarkable job in educating by example, …

Outside the Box: Rethinking the Traditional Reservoir

This article will take a look at three alternatives to the traditional reservoir. First, we will look at a reservoir by Price Engineering that takes an …

Begin at the End

I was recently at a conference addressing the issue of efficiency in fluid power systems, specifically in hydraulics.  The conference was focused on existing …

A New Spin On An Old Idea

I am going to go out on a limb to make a suggestion. Now, for me, this is not all that unusual. I have been described as someone who thinks “outside the …

Quads and the Fluid Power Systems Conference

When I first heard the word “quadrillion,” I thought it was a fictitious number like “gazillion” or “bazillion,” but it turns out to be a real …

So, You Say You Want to Make a Difference

One of the most rewarding things that ever happened to me in the field of fluid power was when a high school student spoke to me after a two-hour pneumatic …

You Made the Mess; Now You Clean It Up!

Now, don’t laugh, but I once designed a hydraulic system for automatically cleaning horse stalls using the energy from the movement of the waiting horse. I …

Use It or Lose It

We are planning on making a system more efficient here at the steel mill. Two overdesigned hydraulic power units are each operating continuously 24/7. Each one …

I Know, It Hertz

I am pretty sure I am going to get some flack from what I am going to say in this article, but before you conclude that I don’t know what I am talking …

Something Is Missing: Using Alternative Energy

There is something missing in my repertoire of fluid power components. Can you help me? In the Off-Highway 2010 edition of the Fluid Power Journal, Brian …



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