There is something missing in my repertoire of fluid power components. Can you help me? In the Off-Highway 2010 edition of the Fluid Power Journal, Brian …
Now, don’t get discouraged. When we push the envelope trying to change the paradigm of thinking in the transfer of energy in fluid power systems, we will …
Now you will have to endure listening to me explain how I would achieve the most efficient hydraulic system. I gave my solution to the pneumatic challenge in …
I think I may have a surprise for you. We will look at a system and try three different hydraulic systems and see which is best from an energy perspective. The …
It looks like the next few articles will be about some specific components and how they can be best utilized in a circuit for maximum energy savings. Previous …
For the purpose of this article, I would like you to divide yourselves into two groups: the “Energy Suppliers” and the “Energy Consumers.” While you …
I see some of you forgot to bring your calculators with you. We’ll wait right here and chat a bit while you go fetch your equipment… I stated in my first …
Ok, let me see a show of hands. How many of you have designed or installed fluid power systems that used flow controls? Keep them up so I can count… It looks …
Trevor O’Malley is a recent college graduate in 2012 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. He has worked at Advanced Machine & Engineering Co. as an …
Price Engineering. Thirty high school students. A tour. Fluid power classroom kits. Sharing. An internship. What does all this equal? The new NFPA Student …