How would you describe the fluid power market in Brazil? We are focused in the offshore area, working with umbilical, subsea equipment OEMs, drilling package …
by Eric Lanke, NFPA CEO Standards development is a key activity that contributes to the fulfillment of NFPA’s mission to strengthen the fluid power industry. …
An Introduction to Fluid Power I’ve created a Powerpoint presentation to help demonstrate the “push” in fluid power. Click HERE to download …
We are in the Fluid Power business. We are convinced that Fluid Power is the right choice for transferring energy in this specific application. We know …
How did you get started in the fluid power industry? I moved to Northern Nevada to be in a rural setting after living in Seattle, Wash., for 35 years. A chance …
Presentation Available for Member Use In an attempt to raise the profile of the fluid power industry in the general public and public policy arena, NFPA has …
When I first heard the word “quadrillion,” I thought it was a fictitious number like “gazillion” or “bazillion,” but it turns out to be a real …
One of the most rewarding things that ever happened to me in the field of fluid power was when a high school student spoke to me after a two-hour pneumatic …
One of the most common questions I get about the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) is how they pick which research projects to fund. It’s …
You can help keep the fluid power industry supplied with young professionals by becoming a scholarship underwriter. The Foundation’s trustees receive and …