Fluid Power Journal

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Each month Fluid Power Journal brings you an industry problem with a solution the following month. 

Determine the Appropriate Solution to Control Air Cylinder Speed

Because air is a compressible fluid, controlling the speed of actuators is a unique problem. A pressurized air cylinder that is not under load will extend …

The STAMPED Method for Selecting Tubing and Fittings for a Metal Tube Assembly

  The acronym STAMPED, as used for hose assemblies, is equally as important to use when developing tube assemblies. The same factors apply; only the …

Adding Hydraulic Fluid to the Reservoir

Adding make-up fluid to the reservoir ranks among the most important maintenance tasks because of the consequences of doing it incorrectly. Be aware that a …

Understand the Function of Hydraulic Components in Circuits: The Application of Pumps and Intensifiers

Pumps A pump is a device where there is a mechanism for increasing and then decreasing the size of a volume chamber by means of rotary and/or reciprocating …

The Effects of Pressure Compensated Components on Control Systems

Pressure Compensation (Hydrostat Function) with Proportional Directional Valves To maintain a relatively constant flow to an actuator regardless of variations …

Understand Flow Control Valves

The terms speed control and flow control are often used interchangeably to identify a valve with the primary function of limiting the velocity of an actuator. …