When Ashton Cofer, 14, stood on the TED stage at TED-Ed Weekend in December 2016 and delivered a TED Talk to a live audience, with cameras rolling, the …
Jeanne Deaver’s life was changed her senior year of high school when a teacher offered her advice on college choices. Today, the mechanical engineer and …
Inventor and FIRST® Founder Dean Kamen launched the 2017 FIRST® Robotics Competition season on January 7 with the Kickoff of a new robotics game called FIRST …
FIRST rallied support for STEM education in Detroit on January 12 through an event at the 2017 North American International Auto Show. Gov. Rick Snyder and Ken …
Q: People know Rube Goldberg as a cartoonist who was trained as an engineer and, for many, the guy we learned about in elementary school who inspired those fun …
Erica Stanley is a software architect and engineer, and the founder and director of the Atlanta network of Women Who Code. In this interview, which appeared in …
A Q&A with Clemson University President Dr. James P. Clements Q: What is engineering’s role in keeping America competitive in the global economy? A: …
Industry, government, and academic leaders from the greater Greenville region gathered on February 18, 2016 for a NEF regional dialogue marking South …
What a few of our past scholarship winners are up to… Andrew Hansen, CFPHS, attends Iowa State University and is currently in his last semester of …
Industry, government, and academic leaders from the greater Stillwater region in Oklahoma gathered for a National Engineering Forum (NEF) regional dialogue, …