IFPS Accredited Instructors (AIs) are certified professionals who educate, train, and prepare candidates for IFPS certification programs. AIs have extensive backgrounds and instructional experience in the fluid power industry. In addition to their instructor accreditation, they are committed IFPS members and hold various IFPS certifications.
IFPS Authorized Job Performance Proctors (AJPPs) are individuals who hold various IFPS certifications and proctor the Job Performance portion of Mechanic, Technician, and Connector and Conductor hands-on tests.
IFPS will hold Accredited Instructor and Job Proctor workshops in Seattle, Wash., on the following dates:
October 9-10, 2017: Accredited Instructor Training Workshop
October 10, 2017: Connector and Conductor Job Performance Proctor Workshop
October 11, 2017: Job Performance Proctor Workshop