Fluid Power Journal

Your Cylinder Doesn’t Get Enough Respect

By Brian Rooney, Professional Engineer and President, Westcoast Cylinders Inc. While multi-pump tank units and glass-enclosed control rooms get all the glory, …

High Efficiency Hydraulic Pump-Motors Employing Partial Stroke Piston Pressurization

This column will bring you the progress of the pre-competitive research being conducted at member universities that are part of the CCEFP network. This …

Research to Watch: Polymer-Enhanced Fluid Effects on Mechanical Efficiency of Hydraulic Pumps

This column will bring you the progress of the pre-competitive research being conducted at member universities that are part of the CCEFP network. This …

Fluid Power’s Uncertain Future

By Brendan Casey In October 1991, at a meeting of the Buffett Group, Warren Buffett’s inner circle, Bill Gates was asked what he thought of Kodak as a …

What’s Your Standby Efficiency?

By Brendan Casey We are conditioned to think a variable displacement pump is more efficient than its fixed displacement counterpart. As a generalization this …

Compressed Air Systems: The Mathematics of Efficiency

By Ron Marshall You may wonder why people say compressed air is the most expensive and inefficient utility in a facility. By doing some research and looking at …

The Power Efficiency Diamond

By Brendan Casey, Hydraulicsupermarket.com I came across this instructive case study recently: In the quest for improved fuel consumption, the manufacturer of …

Pneumatic Cylinder Cushioning: Increasing the Efficiency of Your Entire Pneumatic System

By Mike Guelker, Product Manager – Pneumatic Actuators FESTO Corporation With the right end-position cushioning, you can significantly increase the …

Using Incremental Costs for Compressed Air Projects

By Ron Marshall Nobody likes when a compressor goes down and needs to be replaced due to some sort of age-related component failure. Then comes the challenge …

Compressed Air Water Problems

By Ron Marshall Joe, the maintenance manager, was pulling out his hair in frustration. He had been experiencing constant water problems in his compressed air, …



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