Fluid Power Journal

How to Make a Positive Impact in 2016

Now that the holiday rush has ended, we settle into the New Year and brace ourselves for the onslaught of winter. It is now, when the hustle and bustle is …

The Wolf at the Door

Here we go – another year and another IFPS president. And that is a good thing. The many new members serving on the Board of Directors bring new perspective …

Shrinking The Skills Gap: Why Manufacturing Day Matters

Over the next decade, it is estimated that nearly 3.5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs will be needed, and 2 million of those jobs are expected to go unfilled …

25 Years Strong in Promoting Certification and Industry Training

I was very saddened by the death of my good friend Ray Hanley, who passed away May 30 of this year. I got my first certification in 1987 and was introduced to …

CCEFP Forms A Stronger Partnership with Industry

It’s hard to believe that the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) is in its tenth year. It’s been a decade of rapid growth, and CCEFP is …

“Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can Do More, Volunteer.”

When I was asked to write the Notable Words column for this issue of the Journal, I sat awhile trying to determine on which subject I should write. That lead …

NFPA Career Connections – Making A Difference in Tomorrow’s Workforce

Price Engineering. Thirty high school students. A tour. Fluid power classroom kits. Sharing. An internship. What does all this equal? The new NFPA Student …

An Emerging Workforce Crisis for U.S. Manufacturers

A sound recruitment strategy can help small- and mid-sized manufacturers stay competitive in the hunt for talent Manufacturing companies across the country are …

Fluid Power Mobile Technology – Past Achievements and Future Opportunities

Since this is the off-highway issue, it seems like a good time to reflect on the advances made in the mobile industry over the last 46 years and two …

IFPS Membership – What Do You Make of It?

I am sometimes questioned about the IFPS logo on my shirt. Once I was asked if it was a symbol for some type of “secret society.” This gave me a chuckle …