Fluid Power Journal

Piston Pump Keeps Failing on a Large Shear

By Robert Sheaf, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPE, CFPS, CFPECS, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPMM, CFC Industrial Training   The piston pump that provides flow to two …

Steel Scrap Compactor Eject Cylinder Running Slow

By Robert Sheaf, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPE, CFPS, CFPECS, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPMM, CFC Industrial Training We received a call from a stamping company …

Concrete Truck Hydrostatic System Overheats When Carrying a Full Load

By Robert Sheaf, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPE, CFPS, CFPECS, CFPMT, CFPMIP, CFPMMH, CFPMIH, CFPMM, CFC Industrial Training When I had my hydraulic repair shop several …

Changing Cylinder Size Causes A Drifting Problem

A customer of ours bought a machine that had a damaged cylinder that needed to be replaced. The rod was bent, and they ordered a replacement cylinder with a …

Large Punch Press Cylinder Stutters On Downward Extension

An OEM had a hydraulic distributor design an HPU for a punch press he wanted modified to punch large stainless-steel discs that were then sent to a forming …

Injection Molding Machine Not Up To Speed

  I was asked to help a student of ours with an injection molding machine that had trouble with the Extruder/Injection unit motor running slow. They …

Rotating Stage’s Hydraulic Motor Keeps Leaking

A large entertainment stage is rotated by a Geroler type hydraulic motor shown on the circuit. The regenerative center position on the directional valve …

Oil-heater Problems with a Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) Located in an Unheated Shed

A metal fabrication shop has a 30-year-old bending press that can bend wide flange beams to a semi-circular shape. The machine was up-graded to bend larger …

Clamp and Drill Circuit Will Not Release the Part

A new hydraulic system was installed on an old “Clamp and Drill” machine. A PLC would shift a directional valve clamping the part and a proximity switch …

Directional Valve Seals Failing

I was asked to help inspect a 4″ bore, 2″ rod cylinder that had a 40″ stroke and an 8″ stop tube. It had a D05 size mounting pad …